Introducing Sequoia: Our New Ally in Early Education

Here at Izzi Early Education, we believe in the power of a strong partnership in thriving our community and our children. Sequoia has been an amazing community partner to Izzi and has done a tremendous job in supporting our community. Thank you Diann Lawson for taking your time and answering our questions. We are so excited for you all to get acquainted with Sequoia and their team!

Introduce yourself with your title and a brief overview of Sequoia.

Hi, I’m Diann Lawson, the Director of Sequoia Impact. Sequoia helps companies get the most out of their investment in people.

What motivated Sequoia to get involved in helping Izzi Early Education’s community?

I was introduced to Izzi by Jose Gonzalez who is the Sequoia partner to Izzi. Izzi’s mission aligns with one of our social impact pillars (education), and we love Izzi’s mission and want to support it with our time, talent, and resources.

How do you believe Sequoia’s efforts have impacted the organization and the communities we serve?

We’re just getting started. I believe we are able to bring awareness to Izzi’s mission and organization and help expand Izzi’s circle of support. Our efforts have included our team volunteering at your school sites, and we’ve invited our clients to participate in a book drive. We will continue to do activities like this so that people will be more aware of your mission and hopefully invest in that mission. You all are amazing.

Tell us about the different projects Sequoia's been involved with for Izzi. Which one was your favorite and why? 

We volunteered at several locations to help do what is needed – whether it’s site clean up, creating book bags (and bookshelves), bulletin boards, and refurbishing outdoor furniture. My favorite was cleaning out a storage room that was full of amazing things for the kids (but inaccessible because it was unorganized). Cleaning it out and organizing was so satisfying, knowing that the items could be used for the kids.

What has been the feedback like from Sequoia's team members during our partnership?

They have loved learning about and supporting Izzi. It helps us feel connected to our local community in a personal and hands-on way.

What has been the most rewarding part of working with Izzi Early Education for Sequoia? 

Learning about what you do – and the amazing people you serve. Working with Izzi really gives us a sense of purpose in being able to support the empowerment of children and their families so they can thrive.

How has your perspective on early education and community support evolved through your involvement with Izzi Early Education?

I really now know and more fully understand the importance of early childhood education and supporting families so that they all can access and reach the milestones and opportunities they deserve.

We truly appreciate all the hard work Diann Lawson, Adriana Asdourian, and the whole Sequoia team has done for our community. Here’s to more volunteering opportunities with Sequoia! Feel free to reach out if you’d love to support and volunteer with Izzi Early Education!


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